Морские контейнерные перевозки: основные сокращения
The main abbreviations are used in trade practice during transportation between ports.:
FIOS — Free In, Out and Stowed, loading / unloading at the expense of the shipper
FIFO — First In, First out, loading / unloading at the expense of the charterer
FILO — Free In, Liner Out, loading at the expense of the shipper, unloading at the expense of the ship owner
LIFO — Liner In, Free Out, loading at the expense of the ship owner, unloading at the expense of the shipper
LILO — Liner In, Liner Out, loading and unloading at the expense of the ship owner
The freight rate may also include various surcharges, depending on the shipping line or the established rates:
CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) - included in the cost of transportation to compensate for exchange rate fluctuations
BAF (Banker Adjustment Factor) - the variable portion of the freight costs that depends on the oil price
berthing dues - port dues
CUC (Chassis Usage Charge) – fee for the use of chassis
paperwork fee - paperwork fee
Depending on the specialization of the shipping line, the container can be delivered to a container warehouse located in the nearest port or hinterlands. It can also be delivered to the client "directly to the office". In this regard, the following additional terms may be used:
FICY — Free In, Container Yard, loading at the expense of the shipper, delivery - to the container warehouse
LI-Door — Liner In, Door, loading at the expense of the ship owner, delivery to the client's "office"
As a rule, if the shipping line carries out door-to-door delivery of containers, then these containers are often properly stocked.